Walkie Talkies & Portables

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Two-Way Radios: Licensed and License-Free Options

When it comes to two-way radios, there are two main options: licensed and license-free. Licensed radios are designed for longer contact ranges, typically reaching up to 1 to 1.5 km depending on the terrain. These radios require a license issued by ICASA and are commonly used by security companies, businesses with large factories or farms, and other organizations that operate over a wide area. Licensed radios can also be used with repeaters, which extend the range of the radio.

On the other hand, license-free radios, also known as walkie talkies, can be purchased and used immediately without the need for an ICASA license. These radios have a shorter contact range and are commonly used in warehouses, lodges, schools, nurseries, and other similar settings.

If you are in need of a two-way radio for your business, we can help you determine the best option for your needs. Contact us to learn more about how to obtain a license for a licensed radio or to explore the benefits of license-free radios.

The Advantages of Walkie Talkies and Portable Radios for Business Communication

There are several benefits to using walkie talkies and portable radios for business communication:

  • Cost savings: Walkie talkies and portable radios are much cheaper to use than expensive cellular phone networks. This makes them an affordable option for businesses looking to save money on communication costs.

  • Reliability: Walkie talkies and portable radios are always connected, even during power outages or load shedding. This makes them a reliable option for ensuring that your team can stay in contact at all times.

  • Efficient communication: By using a dedicated network and communication-only devices (no browsing on social media during working hours), you can effectively manage your staff and ensure that everyone stays focused on their tasks.

  • Emergency broadcasting: Walkie talkies and portable radios are great for emergency broadcasting, as everyone on the network can simultaneously receive important messages, such as emergency evacuations.

If you are interested in using walkie talkies or portable radios for your business, we can help you find the right equipment and devices to meet your needs.